
Showing posts from February, 2014

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same

Here's a fun fact about me. I hate change. I mean hate it. I am EXTREMELY routine based and when the smallest thing is different, it throws everything off. You think I'm joking. Example #1: If the morning DJ (on-air personality? what's the PC term these days?) isn't on (sick/vacation/whatever), my ENTIRE day is thrown off. Seriously, I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. I do NOT deal well with change. I just don't. Mix that with the fact that I'm what I call a "late bloomer" and I stay in situations FOREVER. I didn't move away to college until 2 years after high school. I am a very shy girl. When I lived in the dorms I think it was a month before I came out of my shell and made friends. (Except for one guy-- my dear friend Joven who didn't care about the walls I'd built and burst through them, even if he did refer to me as "that girl that always sleeps") Knowing all of this, I'm sure you can imagine how shocked every

Music is my cheer

Hey look, yet another non-fitness related post! Apparently my life isn't 100% fitness... deal with it. :) Today marks the 12 year anniversary of my near-fatal car accident. Not gonna go into details about that one. Mainly because I've done that a million times and don't particuarly feel like going through it YET AGAIN. If you don't know and want to, go  here . Every year since my accident I've found some way to "celebrate". Celebrate that I was given a second chance. That I didn't die. Celebrate life. With the death of my friend Cassandra ( The Loss Of A Friend ) and a ton of other events that have happened since the beginning of 2014 that have had my in a major slump, I didn't really feel like celebrating this year. Why celebrate my life when there's so many people hurting at the loss of loved ones? Everyone has always told me "you surivived for a reason." I have yet to figure out what my "reason" is but when my friend