
Showing posts from January, 2014

The loss of a friend

The month of January has been rough to say the least. Back around Thanksgiving my friend and co-worker was put in the hospital and has been there ever since. My heart has been with her and her family the whole time. When I was home over Christmas I had a dream about her. Nothing major, just that we were back at work together. When I have dreams like that I tend to freak out as I fear it means the worst. When I returned to work I'd heard she'd been moved to Denver. I was going to go visit her while I was down there for work this weekend. Thursday night I had another dream about her. I walked in  to work and she was standing in our classroom and I ran up to her and gave her a big hug-- so happy to see her back. Yesterday we had a work conference and at the beginning was when we got word that things were not going well and her time was limited. I did my best to get through the conference with my emotions locked up- let them slip a little bit but for the most part I did a pretty

No Bake Energy Bites

I originally got this recipe from my aunt who got it from my "cousin" whose wife makes them for him.... mostly because they taste like candy and are a delicious snack. I was a little hesitant to try them. But holy moley.... these things are DELICIOUS. If you're like me and have the world's biggest sweet tooth and an unnatural obsession with peanut butter... well these are the snack for you! They are super easy to make. I take some to work with me and store them in the fridge there and eat a couple on my way out the door so I have energy for the gym. NO BAKE ENERGY BITES 1 C. Old-Fashioned Oats 2/3 C. Toasted Coconut Flakes 1/2 C. Peanut Butter 1/2 C. Flaxseed or Wheat Germ 1/2 C. Chocolate Chips 1/3 C. Honey 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until throughly mixed. Let Chill in fridge 1/2 hour. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you like. Store in airtight container and keep